안녕하세요 여러분,

I want to use first, second, etc. in a sentence, ie say “first car, first love, etc”In this case, would using의 be correct as the linking particle, eg 가장 자동차, 가장 사랑?




For ordinals, the general construction is ~ [눈] {위해} – in this case, not meaning eye but rather * -th

as in [첫번째] {いちばんめ} = 1st

as in [둘째] {두번째} = 2nd


but in the case of first love [첫사랑] {개연 } and the use of 최초 with the pronunciation 하츠 is common for several of these types of firsts.

More generally for the first instance of something you can use [최초] {학시} 馬手의

처음 사랑 = first love
처음 차 = first car
첫 영어 수업 = first English lesson

if you use this pattern, then the second is [두] {뚜껑} 개 [눈] {위해} Third is [세] {카미} 개 [눈] {위해}


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