A friend send me this text:

그러면 그 뒤로 갈까요? 아니면 오늘은 쥐쥐?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

What is the meaning of 쥐쥐 here and how is the expression derived? I assume it means to cancel?


  • 쥐쥐는 스타크래프트에서 전세가 불리하던 선수들이 게임을 포기할때 사용하던 gg(good game)에서 유래된 말이지만 게임을 포기할때 썼기때문에 사람들 사이에서는 본래 뜻과 달리 취소하다, 포기하다 라는 뜻으로 주로 쓰입니다. 그리 널리쓰이는 용어는 아닙니다. 20~30대 계층의 사람들은 대부분 무슨말인지 알고 있을 겁니다.
  • @SIS 감사합니다! 설명이 아주 좋았어요.


A gaming term: GG good game ― gg, ㅈㅈ, 지지, or 쥐쥐.

GG in Starcraft GG in CS: GO

The acronym was referenced online as early as October 1999 in an article on the Internet Chess Club website about gaming etiquette. The author explains that receiving a “GG” when playing chess can be a touchy subject because chess players are often sore losers. …

Due to its particular association with international Starcraft gamers, the term has gained a significant level of recognition outside the English-speaking web as well, most notably among South Korea”s professional gamers who have taken the acronym as an obligatory closing statement to be issued by the defeated player.

A polite remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to indicate that a match was fair and enjoyable.

Good Game의 약자로 원래는 멀티플레이 게임에서 패배를 인정하고 포기할 때 “It was a Good Game”(좋은 게임이었습니다)의 의미로 인사말처럼 쓰는 말이었는데, 게임을 끝낼 때 패자가 패배 선언의 의미로 먼저 쓰는 게 관례가 되다 보니 후에 게임 포기 내지는 패배 선언으로 그 의미가 바뀌었다. …

국내의 인터넷에서는 아무리 뭘 해도 답이 없어서 포기할 때 쓰이며, 동의어로 지지, ㅈㅈ가 있다. 스타리그의 영향력이 약해진 최근에는 해외 유저들의 용례를 그대로 받아들여 게임이 끝난 후 “ㅅㄱㅇ” 정도의 뉘앙스로 주고받는 경우도 늘고 있다.

It”s not really a Korean term. Though Korean people, especially Millennials, have used it a lot for over a decade that they are so familiar with that term. (Well, except for those never play computer games.)

Yet another internet history: how Korea got GG.

Starcraft logo

This term came from overseas and got spread throughout Korea via Blizzard Battle.net, which is an internet-based online gaming, social networking, digital distribution, and digital rights management platform developed by Blizzard Entertainment, when it wasn”t used to English slangs, when the Starcraft boom took over the entire Korea, in the year of 2000.

In Starcraft, the only case that a match automatically ended was when every building of a player got destroyed so that he had nothing to do further, which made the match unnecessarily longer. So when a player got outmatched by another player and gave his opponent a virtual victory, he had to type “GG” in the chat first to express his intent of surrender and let the match end.

Hence comes “GG” meaning to surrender, to stop doing something (usually because it”s hard to handle anymore).

그러면 그 뒤로 갈까요? 아니면 오늘은 쥐쥐? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

So, shall we go to the next? Or GG now for today? Ahaha.

So, are we going to have the afterparty? Or, are we done here for today? Haha.

Its usages in gaming (in nowadays Korea)

Well, using “GG” to mean to surrender is still valid, however, it”s just that Korean people especially went with the partial meaning of “GG.”

GG” is literally an abbreviation for “It was a good game.”, which is something you might want to say when your game comes to an end. It is also used during the game when one thinks that the game”s going to end soon, by either his confident (or overweening) victory or his clear loss (This is where the GG meaning to surrender came from.). It may sound polite or toxic depends on the situation.

As the fame of Starcraft fades out and the internationalization of the gaming culture arises, Korean gamers also got those meanings and use it often in games as usual.

  • (게임 도중에 항복합니다.)“어, 항복합니다. “이 게임을 끝내자.”
  • (게임 도중, 분명한 패배.) “좋아, 알았어. 난 질거야.”
  • (게임 도중; 승리 할 가능성이 높습니다.) “하하하, 알다시피, 내가 승리 할 것입니다.”
  • (게임은 끝났고 예의 바릅니다.) “좋은 게임이었습니다. 저와 함께 플레이 해주셔서 감사합니다.”
  • (게임이 끝났고 독성이 있습니다.)“당신은 저에게 완전히 패배했습니다! 이 게임은 정말 싫습니다!”

슬픔에 빠진“GG” “GG EZ” 공격적인


사람처럼 들립니다. 아시다시피 좋은 게임을 의미하는 GG를 말합니다.

GG는 종종 한 플레이어에서 다른 플레이어로 PvP (컴퓨터가 아닌 플레이어 대 플레이어) 후에 타이핑되거나 말됩니다.

온라인 게임은 한국 문화에서 너무나 널리 퍼져서 게임 밖의 세계로 퍼져 “안녕”을 의미합니다.

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