Os comandos a seguir costumavam funcionar para ocultar os itens da área de trabalho. No Mojave, basta refrescar o cais e tudo permanece. Existe outra maneira de fazer isso?

defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false; killall Finder 


Mojave suporta a ocultação de itens da área de trabalho. Se por qualquer motivo true ou false não funcionar, tente usar 1 ou 0. O exemplo abaixo funcionou em macOS 10.14.5 e oculta os itens da visualização:

$ defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop 0; killall Finder


  • Consegui usar 0 ou false e fazê-lo funcionar em 10.14.5, então se não funcionou em uma versão anterior do Mojave, talvez fosse um bug que já foi corrigido.
  • Bom ponto, @TJLuoma – editei minha resposta para que acomodasse as duas maneiras de definir valores booleanos.
  • funcionou para mim. mojave 14.5


Não há um comando nativo no macOS para ocultar apenas ícones da área de trabalho, no entanto, você pode utilizar um aplicativo de terceiros como HiddenMe para fazer isso.


Fiz uma aula simples no swift que simplesmente observa as notificações para ocultar ou exibir os ícones da área de trabalho. parece fazer a mesma coisa que HiddenMe. Funciona mesmo em um aplicativo em sandbox.

 // // Hider.swift // DIM // // Created by G.J. Parker on 19/6/5. // Copyright © 2019 G.J. Parker. All rights reserved. // // somewhat of a silly class. we"re going to do some "magic" here and let the user *think* we"ve hidden the Desktop Icons // we"re not going to do any such thing (we"re not allowed to in a sandboxed app anyway). instead, we"ll take a picture // of the Desktop(s) and put those pictures in windows just above the actual Desktop. from the user perspective, it appears // the icons have vanished. they haven"t, we"re just hiding them behind the pictures // // works mostly ok. the hard bit here is getting the picture of the Desktop(s). here we"ll use some Core Graphics tricks (see DesktopPictures extension to NSImage at end of file). // for efficiency we"ll only create the number of windows as there are (physical) screens, but we"ll force those windows to go onto all Spaces. // a further trick of setting window.level will make expose and mission control not see these windows. // // the only downside is if the user drags and tries to drop on the Desktop, it won"t work (it"s not the Desktop!), however its sort of consistent since they // just told us to hide the icons so why would they add some now? it is good that clicking on the fake desktop does activate the Finder. so that"s consistent. import Cocoa class Hider { init() { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.doHide), name: NSNotification.Name("doHide"), object: nil) // get notified when user hits Hide/Show Desktop Icons button } var transWindow = [NSWindow]() @objc func doHide() { if transWindow.count == 0 { // appears the user want to hide icons let screenList = NSScreen.screens for screen in screenList { // create the corresponding windows transWindow.append(createWin(screen)) } spaceChange() // and go display them NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.spaceChange), name: NSWorkspace.activeSpaceDidChangeNotification, object: nil) // catch when Spaces change NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.screenChanged), name: NSApplication.didChangeScreenParametersNotification, object: nil) // catch when Screens change } else { NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.removeObserver(self, name: NSWorkspace.activeSpaceDidChangeNotification, object: nil) // don"t care no more NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: NSApplication.didChangeScreenParametersNotification, object: nil) // don"t care no more // teardown for (index, win) in transWindow.enumerated() { win.orderOut(self) transWindow[index].windowController?.window=nil } transWindow.removeAll() // we use the fact that transWindow.count = 0 keep track if the icons are hidden or not. } } @objc func screenChanged() { // call back for when the user reconfigured the Screen let screens = NSScreen.screens if screens.count > transWindow.count { // number of screens increase, so create some new windows for i in (transWindow.count)..<screens.count { transWindow.append(createWin(screens[i])) } spaceChange() // need to update the window if we added } else if screens.count < transWindow.count { // ugh, they removed a screen. let"s ignore that and just update spaceChange() } // otherwise they probably just adjusted the Arrangements which we can ignore } func createWin(_ screen: NSScreen) -> NSWindow { // create a window w/ the same size as the screen we"re given return resetWin(NSWindow(contentRect: NSMakeRect(0, 0, NSWidth(screen.frame), NSHeight(screen.frame)), styleMask: .borderless, backing: .buffered, defer: true, screen: screen)) } func resetWin(_ win: NSWindow) -> NSWindow { win.collectionBehavior = NSWindow.CollectionBehavior.canJoinAllSpaces // we want these windows to follow Spaces around win.level = NSWindow.Level(rawValue: Int(CGWindowLevelForKey(.backstopMenu))) //hack? this makes mission control and expose ignore these windows // rest is to make the windows dumb win.canHide = false win.isExcludedFromWindowsMenu = true win.hidesOnDeactivate = false win.discardCursorRects() win.discardEvents(matching: NSEvent.EventTypeMask.any, before: nil) win.ignoresMouseEvents = true win.orderBack(nil) win.isRestorable = false win.animationBehavior = .none return win } @objc func spaceChange() { // grab pictures of the Desktop(s) var desktopPics = NSImage.desktopPictures() // cycle through the physical Screens for (index, screen) in NSScreen.screens.enumerated() { // go find the first desktop picture that has the same size as this screen for (numPic, desktopPic) in desktopPics.enumerated() { if desktopPic.size.height == screen.frame.height && desktopPic.size.width == screen.frame.width { // get an imageView w/ the correct size and picture let imageView = NSImageView(frame: screen.frame) imageView.image = desktopPic // make sure the window has the same size as the screen if screen.frame != transWindow[index].frame {transWindow[index].setFrame(screen.frame, display: false, animate: false)} // ok, replace the view transWindow[index].contentView = imageView // hopefully to avoid problems on which screen and which desktop, get rid of the ones we"ve done desktopPics.remove(at: numPic) break } } } } } extension NSImage { //don"t need to do an extension, but it appears fun, so let"s do it. static func desktopPictures() -> [NSImage] { // for each desktop we find, take a picture add it onto an array and return it var images = [NSImage]() for window in CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(.optionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID) as! [[ String : Any]] { print(window) // we need windows owned by Dock guard let owner = window["kCGWindowOwnerName"] as? String else {continue} if owner != "Dock" { continue } // we need windows named like "Desktop Picture %" guard let name = window["kCGWindowName"] as? String else {continue} if !name.hasPrefix("Desktop Picture") { continue } // ok, this belongs to a screen. grab a picture of it and appened to the return array guard let index = window["kCGWindowNumber"] as? CGWindowID else {continue} //pendantic let cgImage = CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect.null, CGWindowListOption(arrayLiteral: CGWindowListOption.optionIncludingWindow), index, CGWindowImageOption.nominalResolution) images.append(NSImage(cgImage: cgImage!, size: NSMakeSize(CGFloat(cgImage!.width), CGFloat(cgImage!.height)))) } // return the array of Desktop pictures return images } }  

se houver vários monitores físicos com o mesmo tamanho, a classe pode ficar confusa sobre qual Desktop vai com qual monitor. Você pode contornar isso obtendo o CGRect para cada área de trabalho e olhando o CGRect para cada tela. Aparentemente, há uma função auxiliar que fará isso, mas é beta e está disponível apenas em ObjC.


Eu encontrei a maneira mais fácil e limpa de ocultar os itens da área de trabalho programaticamente ou por linha de comando é colocar um ponto na frente do nome do arquivo, tornando-os nix arquivos ocultos. Dessa forma, você pode ocultar todos os itens ou individualmente na área de trabalho.

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