Ik gebruik magento 2.2.5 en toen ik de productpagina opende productnaam, prijs, enz. worden helemaal niet geladen, en toen ik de var/log/exception.log controleerde, kreeg ik de volgende foutmelding:

Zend_Db_Statement_Exception (code: 42000): SQLSTATE [42000]: Syntaxisfout of toegangsfout: 1248 Elke afgeleide tabel moet zijn eigen alias hebben, de vraag was: SELECT u. * FROM (SELECTEER t. value, t. attribute_id, t. store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal AS t WAAR (entity_id = “6144”) AND (attribute_id IN (“75”, “76”, “79”, “91”, “80”, “120”, “99”)) EN (store_id IN (0))) UNION ALL (SELECTEER t. value, . attribute_id, t. store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar AS t WAAR (entity_id = “6144”) EN (attribute_id IN (“82”, “85”, “122”, “103” , “71”, “86”, “192”, “84”, “87”, “88”, “107”, “95”, “109”, “119”, “222”, “236”, ” 237 “,” 238 “,” 239 “,” 240 “,” 241 “,” 242 “,” 244 “,” 245 “,” 98 “,” 112 “,” 113 “,” 97 “,” 114 ” , “117”, “215”, “129”, “216”, “130”, “217”, “218”, “219”, “220”)) EN (store_id IN (0))) UNION ALL (SELECT t. value, t . attribute_id, t. store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_int AS t WAAR (entity_id = “6144”) AND (attribute_id IN (“100”, “127”, “163”, “89”, “191”, “167 “,” 92 “,” 121 “,” 171 “,” 126 “,” 173 “,” 81 “,” 96 “,” 185 “,” 234 “,” 176 “,” 177 “,” 102 “, “161”, “123”, “124”, “125”, “213”, “128”, “131”, “153”)) EN (

IN (0))) UNION ALL (SELECTEER t. value, t. attribute_id, t. store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_datetime AS t WAAR (entity_id = “6144”) EN (attribute_id IN (“104”, “77”, “105”, “78 “,” 93 “,” 94 “)) EN (store_id IN (0))) UNION ALL (SELECTEER t. value, t. attribute_id, t. store_id FROM catalog_product_entity_text AS t WAAR (entity_id = “6144”) EN (attribute_id IN (“83”, “101”, “72”, “106”, “73”, “162”, “164”, “169”)) EN (store_id IN ( 0))) AS u ORDER BY store_id ASC

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