I FFVII ender du på en “date” med et medlem af dit team. Jeg sigter mod at gå med Barrett og har arbejdet på ethvert valg, jeg hidtil har truffet, for at skubbe hans affinitet så højt som muligt.

Jeg har dog lige fået at vide, at Sephiroth er gået til templet for gamle og jeg skulle også tage derhen – så jeg ved, at jeg er tæt på det punkt, hvor alt ændrer sig. Jeg ved, at datoen natten “skal” forekomme før dette punkt, da en involveret ikke længere vil være i stand til at komme efter dette punkt.

Jeg gik manuelt til Golden Saucer, boede endda på hotellet, men der var der ingen scene eller noget andet, der skete. Jeg troede, at “datoen” skete første gang, du kom tilbage efter at du undslap fra ørkenen?

Hvad mangler jeg, er der et skridt, jeg skal tage for at få denne begivenhed udfolde sig?


Vær ikke bekymret: Datoen er en obligatorisk historiebegivenhed; du kan ikke gå glip af den .

Plottet fører dig til templet for de gamle på dette tidspunkt. Men når du først går derhen, kan du ikke komme ind på grund af det faktum, at du har brug for at erhverve et bestemt nøgleelement. Det er det, der udløser din evne til at erhverve denne genstand, hvilket er fundet på Gold Saucer. Når du først har erhvervet den, vil du ikke være i stand til at forlade Gold Saucer med det samme, og du fortsætter automatisk med datosekvensen.


Gå til de gamle templer, så finder du ud af, at du har brug for en Keystone, der tilhører den excentriske ejer af en velkendt temapark.


Her er en god guide, der går over, hvordan man tager Barrett på den dato, du prøver at komme til: http://www.princessartemis.com/documents/ff7date.txt

Starting affection: Aeris: 50 Tifa: 30 Yuffie: 10 Barret: 0 Barret: 1. Buy a flower from Aeris when you see her in Sector 8. 2. Talk to Jessie twice on the train home from Sector 8, and tell her you"re "Looking forward to it". 3. Give the flower to Marlene when you get the option. 4. Don"t talk to Tifa while she"s behind the bar. If you do, decline her offer for a drink. 5. Say "...Sorry" when she asks you if you"ve forgotten your promise. 6. Say "Barret"s snoring kept me up..." when she asks you how you slept the next morning. 7. Don"t get caught by the Security Lockdown; get to the end of the train. 8. After defeating Airbuster, before Cloud falls, tell Barret to "Be strong". 9. When Aeris is fleeing the guards, climb up to the top level and tell her to Wait each time. Then, push the *wrong* barrel (so that she has to fight the guard anyway). Do this three times. 10. When Aeris asks if Tifa is your girlfriend, say "Yeah, that"s right." 11. When you get to the playground in Sector 6, tell Aeris that you"ll "Take her home." 12. Get *all* the best items so that Cloud is chosen for the Don"s date (not Tifa or Aeris). Tell the Don that there"s someone else, and when he asks who, tell him "Yes, his name"s Barret..." 13. When everyone lands in the sewer, talk to Aeris first. 14. When Marlene asks you how you feel about Aeris, tell her "I don"t know". 15. When you first meet Red XIII, tell Barret to take care of Aeris (keep Tifa in your party for *this* battle). 16. After the battle with HO512, split up into a team of Cloud, Barret and Red XIII. 17. When Tifa asks if you can break out, tell her "(Kinda hard)" 18. Think about Barret first, Red XIII second, and Aeris last while you"re in the cell. 19. When you finally escape Midgar and have to choose your team, pick a team with Cloud, Barret and Red XIII. 20. In Kalm, after the flashback, tell Barret to "Wait a sec", then "Beautiful, just beautiful!" 21. Make a party immediately afterwards with Barret, Cloud and Red XIII. In a house in Kalm, there"s a woman who asks you about whether Mako energy is convenient. Tell her "You"re full of it". Talk to the girl upstairs, and when she asks you if the old life is better, say "Yeah, maybe". 22. In Fort Condor, agree twice to the old guy about his plight. 23. You don"t have to meet Yuffie; in fact, it"s probably better if you don"t. But you can if you want to. Just make sure you get her the first time, and don"t make her run away. 24. On the Cargo Ship, don"t give Yuffie a tranquilizer. 25. On the Cargo Ship, tell Aeris "I dunno..." when she asks about the Airship. 26. On the Cargo Ship, when Tifa asks you about war, say "I don"t know". 27. At the Gold Saucer, when you split up, talk to Red XIII first, and take him with you (do not choose Aeris, Tifa or Yuffie). 28. When you see Barret again in the Corel Prison, and you"re about to go after Dyne, you will be prompted to make a party. Choose Cloud, Barret, and either Red XIII or Cait Sith. *DO NOT CHOOSE AERIS*! She gets a heck of a boost if she gets chosen, and will mess up everything you"ve worked for. 29. Before entering Gongaga Town, make your party into Cloud, Aeris and Tifa. Then, when you meet Zack"s parents, and Aeris and Tifa leave, ignore *both* of them and leave town. 30. Do not go anywhere near Wutai if you have Yuffie. Instead, go straight to the Gold Saucer for the date sequence. Ending Affection Scores Barret: 47 Aeris: 37 Tifa: 35 Yuffie: 14 

Da det ikke er klart nok til at fortsætte efter dette punkt for at udløse dato-scenen ved guldunderlaget, startende fra efter at du får den lille bronco.

  1. Tag Tiny Bronco t vest for Gongaga til et lille hus med en våbenhandler.
  2. Tal med våbenhandleren, han fortæller dig at gå til Gold Saucer
  3. Gå til Gold Saucer, tale med Dio i kamp Firkantet.

Bliv bare ved med at følge historien ved guld underkop, og datosekvensen sker, når du går til dit værelse på Ghost Square. Våbenhandleren skal være valgfri, men hvis han taler om keystone, har du allerede udløst begivenheden i Gold Saucer.


  • Det hedder det efter at have besøgt gongaga, du vælger dit hold og derefter går til guld underkop for at se datoen scene. Aller sidste trin.

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