XRPM_COUNTERS.h:15:5: error: expected unqualified-id before string constant ISR(PCINT0_vect) { ^ In file included from C:\Documents and Settings\SAM\Desktop\automation_1_A_NEW_AAA\automation_1_A_NEW_AAA.ino:10:0: XRPM_COUNTERS.h:72:1: error: expected ";" after class definition } ^ sketch\XRPM_COUNTERS.h: In function "void XRPMLoop()": XRPM_COUNTERS.h:77:19: error: "t" was not declared in this scope if ((millis() - t) > 300) rpm = 0; ^ XRPM_COUNTERS.h:77:29: error: "rpm" was not declared in this scope if ((millis() - t) > 300) rpm = 0; ^ XRPM_COUNTERS.h:79:17: error: "ot" was not declared in this scope else if (t != ot) { ^ XRPM_COUNTERS.h:81:5: error: "rpm" was not declared in this scope rpm = 60000.0 / (float)(t - ot); ^ XRPM_COUNTERS.h:87:13: error: "rpm" was not declared in this scope lcd.print(rpm); ^ XRPM_COUNTERS.h:93:14: error: "printVu" was not declared in this scope printVu(rpm); ^ sketch\XRPM_COUNTERS.h: At global scope: XRPM_COUNTERS.h:97:1: error: expected declaration before "}" token }; ^ exit status 1 expected unqualified-id before string constant 


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  • Nem adta meg a tényleges kódját. Mivel ez az ' az, amelyik hibákat tartalmaz, be kell írnia, különben ' nem tudunk segíteni.
  • Úgy tűnik, osztálydefiníció, mielőtt az ISR nem lett ' t pontosvesszővel végződve …
  • A hiba: a nem statikus tagfüggvény érvénytelen használata a attachInterrupt (0, count, RISING);

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